Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Paddle Boating in the Tidal Basin next to the Jefferson Memorial

The paddle boats

Perfect picture op with the life jacket and Jefferson
Memorial in the background

Washington Monument view from the Tidal Basin

Jefferson Memorial
Today we fortunately were able to go and do some sightseeing because our afternoon class was cancelled, and we were let out of our morning class early which meant that we were done at 10:40am which was GREAT!
So we decided to go paddle boating at the Jefferson Memorial. I had seen this one of the first weeks I was here and had wanted to do it ever since and we finally had time to go and do it - and it was also finally a cool enough day - in the high 80s - to go!
It was so much fun and it allows you to get pretty close to the front of the monument and you can paddle around to all sides. It is also an AMAZING workout - it's basically like riding a bike but with LOTS of resistance! Paul and I were the ones paddling and we also had to compete against the wind so by the time we got back our legs felt like jelly - but it was totally worth it! It's kind of one of those things that you need to do in DC just to say you've done it! So there is one more thing to check off the list!

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