Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Weekend

Jefferson Monument (+ construction)

Amazing Words in the Jefferson Monument

Thomas Jefferson

Another picture of the capitol

That sunburn turned into a nice tan

This weekend was much needed after a long first week of work and classes. And the ridiculous part is that last week was only 4 days, and this week we have to conquer a five day week!!

So on Saturday we did some more sightseeing in the city after sleeping in until 11am! We went to the library of congress again, and then we walked all the way to the Jefferson monument which, for those of you who have been to DC know, is very far away from the other monuments! It was a bit of a hike but we were very proud that we didn't get lost on the way! We also went to the white house afterwards which is another long hike! After walking 5 or 6 miles we called it a day and rode the metro home and had a chill night at the apartments!

Today, Sunday, we also kind of just had some hang out and relaxing time which was a nice change from our normal crazy busy schedule. We went grocery shopping at Costco and at Harris Teeters - a store we don't have on the west coast, but it's basically just a Safeway, though I don't think the selection is as nice! Besides that though we haven't done very much today! We have all thought of doing homework, but that thought has gotten disregarded many times, because we just don't have a lot of motivation! But it will get done by wednesday - i'm sure it will be the classic college way of doing it all on tuesday night!

I'm not ready to go back to work at all and do not want to get up at 6:30am tomorrow, but at least this week will be easier than last week where we had multiple huge projects to do on top of trying to get oriented to the building! And luckily I have also found a subway buddy who works in the same building as me so we can go to work together! Oh and I am going to try out the upscale gym in our building tomorrow after work and see how nice it is which will be exciting because exercising outside in this humid weather does NOT exist!

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